Thursday, 2 April 2015

Art of Caring Exhibition - 12 - 16 May 2015

Art of Caring Exhibition - The Rose Theatre, Kingston, London - (12 - 16 May 2015)

Soper's, Kendal - solo work on display 2015

Soper's, St. Anne's and Soper's Kendal - solo work on display taken from 'Angel' theme.

In Pursuit of Error Exhibition

In Pursuit of Error Exhibition - (Dec 2014 - ongoing mid 2015) - online project exhibition.

Alumni Exhibition - The Gallery, Blackpool and Fylde University Centre

Alumni Exhibition - The Gallery, Blackpool and Fylde University Centre - (Dec 2014 - Feb 2015)

Unit 6A/7A Art Exhibition - Christmas Lights Switch-On Event

Art co-ordinator/curator - Unit 6A/7A Art Exhibition - Christmas Lights Switch-On Event, Marsh Mill Village - (22 - 23 November 2014).

Unit 6A/7A Art Exhibition

Curator/art co-ordinator - Unit 6A/7A Art Exhibition - a Community exhibition, organised in conjunction with Marsh Mill's 220th Birthday Celebrations (24 - 27 October 2014).

Filling the Pews with Art Exhibition

Curator/art co-ordinator - Filling the Pews with Art Exhibition, as part of Heritage Open Days at The Shrine, Whinney Heys Road, Blackpool - (11 - 14 September 2014).

Soper's - solo work on display

Soper's, St. Anne's - solo work from my 'Angel' theme on display

St. Anne's Music and Arts Festival 2014

Art co-ordinator/curator again for the Art part of the 2014 St. Anne's Festival. Approx. 30 artists in an Open Exhibition around various locations in St.Anne's. The 2015 festival will run from 18 - 26 July.

Finally found the time to update my CV from May 2014 - April 2015

Finally found the time to update my CV and discovered I'd not updated any posts for months (guess that's what happens when you are actually busy doing the things, rather than reporting on them - how time flies). Anyway I will attempt to post date some of the highlights...